
Racing quiz

After our start, sailing upwind to our upwind mark, which is still at 360 degrees from our starting line, our starboard tack heading numbers read 325 on our first starboard tack.

On our second starboard tack, our heading reads 328, and on our third starboard tack our heading reads 340.*

As we round the upwind mark and start heading downwind, should we stay on a starboard jibe or jibe as soon as we can to a port jibe in order to head downwind on our shortest course to the downwind mark?

*Winds “clock” or “back”. When they “clock” they move forward around the dial 360 degree dial. When they “back” the move backwards. In this case, the Wind direction is “clocking”. In other words, the course is showing a “right shift”. This is a language. And we its listeners. Now draw it out and send your answer.

Starting quiz

Given a normal starting line where the committee boat marks the right end of the starting line and the pin marks the left end of the line and given the bearing to the windward mark is 360 degrees and that the current is not a factor to consider:

1) If pre-start we are sailing parallel to the starting line on starboard tack at a heading of 280 degrees, which end of the starting line is favored, the pin end or the committee boat end?

2) if on port tack sailing parallel to the starting line on a heading of 100 degrees, which end is favored?

3) if on port tack with a heading of 80 degrees?

4) if on starboard tack with a heading of 260 degrees?